Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Wake me around noon...

Last night before bed, McKenna brought in her plastic, toy alarm clock and (very seriously) told me she was "setting it" to wake up the next day. She pointed to her specific time she'd chosen -- and I agreed that it was a perfect time to wake up (12:00 - I wish!). She went off to her room and put it in her bed by her pillow. That was cute, but not nearly as cute as this morning when I awoke...

McKenna often crawls in bed with me in the middle of the night. I awoke this morning to find her, a stuffed duck, AND the alarm clock in bed with me. Apparently, she had woke up in the middle of the night and (in the dark & half asleep) was coherent enough to remember she had her "alarm" set. I snuck out of bed so I could snap some quick pictures.
When she woke up a half an hour later, she came in to me and reported that she had indeed -- woke up ON TIME! Good news, for sure! So precious. Half the time she can't even wake herself up to pee...but the fake alarm clock is not going to slip her mind. Makes sense to me!

That same morning, at breakfast, McKenna got up while watching cartoons and left the room...mid-Capt'n Crunch! A minute later I looked up and she was sitting there, in front of the t.v. -- with her sunglasses on. It was especially bright there in the livingroom...but rather than whine about it - she solved her own problem! So cute.

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